YES!! I want to help provide a safe and vibrant new life for these incredible dogs!
Your donation allows us to spare lives, promote living, and end the bias of dogs most ignored.
As a 501c3 nonprofit charity we rely totally on public donations and grants. No government support is provided to our rescue.
Click HERE to to see how your donations are used. Click HERE for items most needed.
Mailing Address

k9.5 Rescue
PO Box 81086
Simpsonville, SC 29680
Miracles happen when opportunity is provided. Your donations have allowed us magnificent triumphs. From a paralyzed animal running top speed across a yard in its new wheelchair to bringing life back to one who’s barely breathing, we’ve been able to watch animals flourish, capturing the life they fully deserve. We’ve given families new joy, children their best friend, and companions to animals who never knew kindness…all because you believed in us.