China was a beautiful dog who was a member of our Sanctuary for many years. As a young dog, she was supposedly subject to a “head on collision with her brother” that resulted in paralysis from the waist down. China’s disposition was phenomenal despite. In fact, she was so adored that when she was abandoned at a veterinary hospital, people came together to buy her a wheelchair. She was happy, affectionate and never met a person she didn’t kiss. She was thrilled with life, and an ear to ear smile never left her face. However, in 2012 she was the victim of cancer…many, many people mourned her loss. China lived in the hearts of countless individuals. China was a Pit Bull.
Pit Bulls, a blanket term for several breeds, are rampantly misunderstood dogs and victims of widespread abuse. They also suffer from extreme prejudice and judgement that is a result of their appearance.
Every day, Pit Bull advocates consisting of Pit Bull parents, rescues and shelter workers, fight to show the world that this breed is not full of hate, but instead full of love and devotion. They want the caring, gentle, silly and joyful side to be recognized and understood so that the breed gets the reputation it deserves, not the one its earned.

Sadly, Pit Bulls have been the chosen breed for the horrid act of dog fighting, as well as used to promote an owner’s status as undefeatable and threatening. Owners literally train their dogs to fight and attack humans and animals. They strive to make their dog a lethal weapon.
It’s unfathomable why someone thrives on this behavior. What is it that possesses an individual and allows them to enjoy the act of animals fighting, bleeding, suffering and melting slowly to their death? What mental malfunction could ever want a sweet, kind dog to be threatening or become a “killer.” It’s a monster that takes advantage of a dog’s devotion to their guardian and forces them to behave in such a way. And let’s think…what kind of person teaches the hobby of dog fighting or the acceptance of attacking to his/her children? What kind of people look away and don’t stop this by enforcing the law?
Let’s set the record straight by stressing that Pit Bulls aren’t the mean ones – the OWNERS are mean, and they are vile, abhorrent beasts. It takes a beast to want an animal to fight; to let them die fighting. It’s a beast that enjoys watching flesh and organs tear a while blood flows and the dogs cry out in pain, begging for help. It’s beast who watches and lets them suffer. It’s a beast who ignores this.
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Yes…the people make the dogs aggressive and give them the reputation of “bad” dogs. The dogs only do what their owners request because of their endless love and devotion to their guardian.
Daily, Pits are euthanized simply because they are a Pit Bull. A dog can come into a shelter passing out kisses and wagging his/her tail, and it will be euthanized because it was born a Pit. They’re not even given the chance to love someone or be loved…they’re never put up for adoption and no pleas are put out for rescue. The kind souls that do put them up for adoption have to screen to make sure the sweet, affectionate animal leaving won’t be bait for another dog to fight, or abused, or killed because a HUMAN thinks it’s “cool.”
It’s understandable that dog fighting rings, the dog attacks (due to the owners wanting them to fight and protect), and the media hype lead to fear. We most certainly understand someone being afraid after an attack either for themselves or someone they love, and we understand the hesitation and resentment. We sympathize and pray for healing for these victims and wish the tragedy upon no one. We even agree that those dogs who attack need to be euthanized and that their owners need to be investigated and prosecuted if they are found to have instigated or support the behavior. However, we also want those who live in fear or uncertainty to see the true heart of the breed and allow it to become a part of their healing.

If you want to fight to end violence caused by dogs the first thing to do is find the cause…and that cause is HUMANS. Take charge and put the people behind bars who commit these unacceptable cruelties. What does it say for our justice system when the punishment for pit bull fights/massacres is nothing more than “community service??” Or if they allow the individual to walk when their dog attacked while out running at large? Why are they not charged for manslaughter or premeditated murder when one of their dogs injures or kills someone, the way a drunk driver, or even an adult who gave an underage kid alcohol is charged? Because the owners/backyard breeders are not regarded as a contributor, and the few times they’re caught they are far too often slapped on the hand and receive nothing more than a minor violation and euthanized dog. These are the same people who are selling dogs on the side of the road for money, caring less about how the dog was bred or how it will be raised.
Yes, progress is slowly making its way in terms of prosecution…but there’s a long way to go. Those fighting to make a change need your help.
So let’s not stereotype this breed and it’s nature. Instead, assist the authorities so they can stop the barbaric fights and attacks caused by barbaric people.
ALSO – get to know this breed. Find a pit bull of a responsible owner and see how loving they truly are, even after being subject to cruelty. Ask the dog’s parent about the dog’s comical, entertaining ways; ask how often they snuggle with their Pit Bull; ask how many adorable outfits the dog wears as he/she struts downtown wearing an enormous and proud grin; ask to see the dog’s Instagram or TikTok account. Educate yourself so that you will not be afraid but instead wise. Get a kiss from a pit bull and a happy wag of the tail. Research and learn more via Pit Bull advocates…there are many sharing theirs and others stories on social media, blogs and websites. Talk to a legitimate Pit Bull Rescue to learn about the steps you need to take to own a pit bull so that you can be a responsible owner of a wonderful dog.

FACT: If you apply a harsher law toward these people and stop the barbaric act of over breeding, inbreeding and pit pull fights, you will cut out the attacks on humans and animals. Now I ask you…Who is to blame for the laws not existing or being strict enough? Is It the breed?
Learn about Pit Bulls. Learn the truth and help this wonderful breed who have accomplished things like becoming therapy and service dogs, receiving awards, saving lives, caring for Helen Keller, and working in search and rescue. Be open to learning and becoming wiser…wiser than those who choose to not learn yet pretend they know.
Be not astonished at new ideas; for it is well known to you that a thing does not therefore cease to be true because it is not accepted by many. *Spinoza