k9.5 Rescue provides for certain animals on a permanent basis. These dogs are our sanctuary members for various reasons, but are magnificent creatures. We’re proud to have them represent our rescue and grateful for their place in our lives, as well as all of the lessons on life and love they’ve taught us. We adore them and will remain devoted to their care for the duration.

Matilda’s been in our rescue since 8wks old, running the show with her feisty ways. At 5 years old, she developed glaucoma in both eyes…first the left and then the right. An incurable disease, the eyes were removed to keep her out of excruciating pain. Matilda bounced back quickly and was back to bossing others around and keeping the order in no time. Due to her length of time in rescue and other fears (unrelated to her blindness) it was decided that she would remain in our sanctuary for the duration.

Janie, a Great Pyrenees, came to us as a baby with two luxating patellas (knee caps). We learned that her situation was more complicated, as the kneecaps actually pop out opposite of the direction they normally do – lateral vs. medial. After a lengthy discussion with primary doctors and surgeons, due to the low success rate of the surgery and the slight improvement it provides, and since she will end up disabled with or without surgery, we opted to not put her through two traumatic surgeries and recovery periods and let her be a happy puppy. She will earn her set of wheels when she finally needs them and we will nurse her for the duration. Janie is a bright, happy, affectionate, well behaved and goofy girl who we adore. We look forward to helping her enjoy her life, regardless of her orthopedic issues.

Social Media Hashtag: #busterbooboo
Sadly we lost Buster Boo, aka: Lil’ Man, July 2024. Buster BooBoo (aka: Boo, Little Man, and Mr Handsome) is a 6.7lb, 12-15yr old Yorkie with terrible allergies that require 2 daily medication and monitoring, Dry Eye that requires drops 2x daily, he struggles from a grade 4, bilateral patellar luxation(knees) and has canine cognitive dysfunction and separation anxiety. Since his age works against him in surgical repair, he requires 2 additional medications for the knees. He takes his meds in his favorite treat, a “meatball,” (eyes lighting up and ears perking at the mention of the word) and enjoys taking a slow stroll around the yard, sniffing every inch. His favorite spot is his little teepee, and he follows his foster mom around demanding treats. He’s a delightful little guy that we are proud to care for.

Social Media Hashtags: #popsthepibble #popadoodledoo
Pops left us March 2, 2023. There is a magnificent void in the life of k9.5 Rescue as a result of his loss. We continue to mourn. Pops is an outstanding 12yr old senior Pit Bull with a heart that is one of the purest and kindest we’ve ever known. Selfless, non-judgmental, comical, lackadaisical, and a gentle soul, he’s a friend to all and an enemy to none. Due to a cancerous mass, Pops will be living the remainder of his life within our sanctuary.