Magoo needs you!

Magoo is a delightful boy who is loved by all, but who has sadly endured many obstacles. First, he’s blind due to Progressive Retinal Atrophy for which he takes 4 drops daily in the remaining eye to prevent its loss (we already had to remove one due to glaucoma), Canine Chronic Bronchitis for which he requires Prednisone and Prilosec daily, as well as constant supervision by his internist, and now Chronic Pancreatitis and Dysbiosis which requires pancreatic enzymes ($145 per 3 weeks), prescription diet ($78 every 5wks), and probiotics. His ailments require constant monitoring and a lot of medications, but he is extraordinarily good for them. He’s a fragile but positive minded boy. We just have to stay on top of his medical needs.
If you’d like to sponsor any of Magoo’s needs, donate monthly toward his needs, or simply contribute one time, please visit our donation page or reach out to us at
These dogs need you. Please consider how you can be a part of helping these magnificent animals and eliminating their pain with even a small amount. Any contributions toward their care will be valued and appreciated, and we encourage you to follow their stories as they progresses. Visit our Donation page to donate quickly and easily, including via PayPal or Venmo. We thank you! ❤️