Time to start voting in week 5 for Honey! Please spread the word so that we can get as many votes as possible since there are a lot of contestants!


Click on the photo below.  Register your email on this first visit and vote.  Next, bookmark her page.  Last, Vote every day by:

1) Clicking on her page in your bookmarks, or by visiting this blog or our website.
2) Logging in (once logged in, it should immediately return you to her page).
3) Voting at the bottom of her photo!  (Only 1 vote per email address, per day…but you can use multiple email addresses!)

**Just remember to always log in to vote.**

You can also do a search for her picture, as well if you are at another computer. THANK YOU!!

Vote for my Dog Sponsored by All American Pet Brands makers of premium dog food.

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