Oh, Lottie…. 18lbs, enormous grin, and adorable feet. Feisty, fearless, active and lightening fast. Devoted to a fault, affectionate, and devili...
Read MoreI am often questioned on how I manage having a dog in a wheelchair, and understandably people ask in a slightly exasperated tone, “Is it hard?...
Read MoreThe Dog, the Wheelchair & the Crazy Lady Who Has Both.
It’s no secret that I love special needs and senior dogs. We have several in our rescue who we are constantly showing off via the website and so...
Read MoreWhy you should adopt a senior or special needs animal.
Sometimes you just have to break the rules when you fall in love. ...
Read MoreBreaking the rules
It took me a bit to sit down and write, simply due to sheer exhaustion, but I knew I wanted to do a dedication, true to my “must talk about how ...
Read MoreFor the love of Tippy
It’s been several days since I posted on Facebook, Twitter and probably one or two of the other social media sites we’re a part of, about ...
Read More“Tipping” over the edge
Well, it’s really not, but let’s discuss the sentiment. While at a doctor’s visit the other day, the doctor mentioned that he had f...
Read More“It’s harder to adopt a dog than a kid!”
I was zipping around on Facebook a few minutes ago and came across a photo that belonged to “Team London and the 2 Legged Pit Bull.” I had...
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