It’s a sad day when animals face euthanasia or stand in harm’s way. That’s why rescues began…to prevent kind, loving animals f...
Read MoreIt’s been a while since I’ve written a blog post, for which I apologize. As much as I love to write for you, it seems that I somehow get f...
Read MoreThe k9.5 Rescue Lowdown
Since June, I have been all over town and social media begging everyone for gently used shoes that they no longer wanted or needed. Volunteers joined ...
Read MoreShoes, shoes, dogs…and more shoes
Today many people will be out on the lake, having get-togethers with friends, eating mounds of food, and celebrating the ever popular Labor Day. Alth...
Read MoreA Labor Day Tribute for Those Devoted to Their Labor of Love
As you know, we’ve been collecting gently used shoes for a fundraiser for the rescue dogs of k9.5 . It’s a bit of an odd request, I’...
Read MoreWhy do rescue dogs need shoes?
I am often questioned on how I manage having a dog in a wheelchair, and understandably people ask in a slightly exasperated tone, “Is it hard?...
Read MoreThe Dog, the Wheelchair & the Crazy Lady Who Has Both.
As I always say, senior dogs are such a huge love of mine. I know this perplexes some who have the thought of “why bring in an old dog when it...
Read MoreRescuing Senior Dogs – It Rocks.
It’s no secret that I love special needs and senior dogs. We have several in our rescue who we are constantly showing off via the website and so...
Read MoreWhy you should adopt a senior or special needs animal.
Today I received an email from a lady asking for her help with her 10yr old lab mix. They were so sad to give this incredibly well behaved dog up, but...
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