It’s no secret that I love special needs and senior dogs. We have several in our rescue who we are constantly showing off via the website and social media sites, simply because we’re proud of them and think they are pretty fantastic. They come into rescue because I feel they deserve a second chance when they love life so much, despite their history. In my opinion, if a dog has the desire to be happy, why take it away from them due to age or handicap? So, when we’re able they come into k9.5.
It’s possible that you’re thinking, “Okay, you think their great, but why do you think everyone else should adopt one?”
Well, that’s an easy question to answer.
Let me start off by clarifying that I refer to animal lovers only. I’m assuming this is obvious, but I always like to be specific. “Animal people,” however, definitely, without doubt, should be touched at least once by a senior or a special needs pet…or both.
My explanation isn’t complicated. It’s simply this:
They help you to understand that regardless of how difficult life can be, you can still treasure it and flourish.
They help you increase your overall tolerance and level of patience.
They educate you in a multitude of areas that you never thought you’d get the opportunity to learn, e.g. medicine, psychology, anatomy, neurology, contracting/building, nutrition, and more.
They help you gain inner strength as well as physical strength (lifting a senior, arthritic big dog or a large special needs dog into the car can definitely build muscle).
They keep you on your toes, always expecting the unexpected. You never know when they will accomplish something they’re not supposed to be able to do.
They know you saved them, and they will save you in whatever way you need to be saved without you ever knowing.
They show you areas of life you never knew existed. You’d be amazed how watching a dog enjoy the sunshine can touch your heart.
They introduce you to new friends, new adventures, and new clothes to meet these new friends for new adventures.
They open doors to new encounters with work, or volunteering, or physical activities.
They know how to reciprocate everything you do for them and “wow” with their actions.
Most of all…they provide you with a unique bond that can only be established by someone who has done without over and over again.
So don’t be afraid of an animal that requires a little more attention and a few more needs. Look into their eyes and their hearts and think about what you can accomplish together. COMMIT to it and don’t give in, and you will find that it is one of the most worthwhile things you’ll ever do within your lifetime.
Lastly, be prepared. You are going to smile, laugh, and make your face muscles ache with joy…because that’s what it’s all about.