Miss Nadia is finally able to play and romp about with her buddies. She is having the time of her life! She is such a happy little goofball…you can’t help but laugh at her.  She loves her buddies, and she’s constantly playing with China, Will, and Alli.  When outside she runs and runs, fromps about, and wears a big grin. She is thoroughly enjoying herself and feeling 100% better!!

I was watching her, and although I didn’t get any photos while outdoors, I’ll describe to the best of my ability, how she looks. Picture this:

The gait and legs of a giraffe.

The look of a bear when running.

The coordination of a newborn colt.

So while she may look a bit awkward and unproportioned, she’s completely adorable and unquestionably happy.

Go Nadia!!

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