As you know, seniors are one of my soft spots. They are so often overlooked yet have such wonderful dispositions, character and so much love to give. As I mentioned to someone earlier, it causes me pain to see them in the shelters. Naturally, any animal facing death and in a shelter is heartbreaking, and I wish it wasn’t such a tremendous problem that seems to only worsen, for the animals don’t deserve it. However, when I see a senior it tears at my heartstrings because they’ve either had a family that they loved and showed devotion, and have absolutely no clue why after all these years they are now in a terrifying jail and unwanted, or they’ve lived an entire life of misery and loneliness, most likely been taunted and mistreated, and have never known love…an entire life of no love. To die heartbroken or knowing no kindness and devotion in an entire lifetime…I cannot imagine carrying that burden.
So, when I see a senior, it makes me ache for them. As a result, I’ve had several come through the doors over time, and I currently have 3 in rescue: Alli, Poppy and now Arnie.
Arnie was abandoned in the pound’s parking lot. When I saw his photograph, I was immediately taken by him. I picked him up Tuesday, took him straight to the doctor and learned a great deal about him in a short amount of time.
Arnie has never met a kind hand, I don’t believe, until he reached the shelter. He jerks at the faintest touch…even the leash brushing him makes him jump a mile high. He is achy and has probably never had any pain relief, and you could see him limping on his front legs, trying to balance on his back ones, yet determined to get where he was going. His eyes are old and starting to blue, and his coat is dirty and smells of neglect. He was utterly terrified, agonized from an old injury and arthritis, and actually…a wee bit ornery and snippy. 😉 He’s old, painful, and afraid I’m going to torture him…I can’t say that I blame him. He also has kennel cough, surely can’t feel so well, and is, of course, heartworm positive. He had an old wound under his collar that had crusted over with filth. Yet when he walked out of the shelter door, he rubbed his big head against my legs, and for some reason when we reached the vet he still walked up to me when he was afraid of the doc.
So he received some good pain meds, has started on antibiotics for his kennel cough, and has a fluffy cozy bed in his crate and in my bedroom. I’m touching him, petting him, baby talking him, and showing him affection as much as I can so that he’ll know he’s loved and safe. You can see the difference in him already…physically and even emotionally. He has followed me a bit and even started playing with me today, which was an amazing uplift! It was such a delight to see him smiling and interacting in such a way. I was even able to sneak in a kiss on the head, which he accepted…a major step for him! I hope he continues to flourish and understand that he is loved and safe.
Here is the old man and his adorable big head. 😉 He has expressive, soulful eyes, and if he ever lets me give him a bath he’ll have a beautiful coat. He’s short and stocky, and he is simply CUTE. I can’t wait until he knows he has nothing to worry about any longer. 🙂
Oh yes – I forgot to add that he loves ear scratches and pizza bones! (crust)