For the past several days I’ve been consumed with the the flooding of Nashville and surrounding areas.  Living there from 2000-2008 I immediately panicked for everyone I know, as well as the animals. I’ve been contacting all I can, trying to learn about those who I don’t know how to contact, looking at photos and being amazed at the incredible damage. The number of homes, buildings, businesses, etc. that are under water is unbelievable. One of my dearest friend’s house was under water and they have no idea when they’ll be able to go back home. I worry about some of the animal shelters who don’t even have a standing building, but instead a carport sort of set up. Animals are out there alone, stuck God knows where, and possibly worse, I’m sure afraid and not knowing where to turn.

Help is needed and they have been declared a disaster as of today. I wish I could go there and do something to assist, but I have no way to leave the dogs.  However, one thing that we can all do is:

Text REDCROSS to 90999 to donate $10. for more info! #Nashville Flood

Please keep the people and the animals in your prayers. There is so much devastation and heartbreak, even several deaths. I just pray that there will be no more lives lost, and the damage will be repaired quickly, allowing those whose houses are currently swimming to return to their homes soon, completely repaired and dry. I cannot imagine what they all must be going through. It made me stop and think…what would I do? How would I get all of these animals to safety? It’s terrifying to think about. I just hope and pray I never have to face such a tragedy.

My heart goes out to everyone in Middle TN facing this catastrophe.

0 thoughts on “Nashville, TN Flooding

  1. Hey Alli, just wanted to let you know that the park where we rescued Katie was under 6 feet of water at the highest part of the flooding. Pretty crazy huh?

    • That is crazy. Scary, too for any animals that might have been there. 🙁

  2. Why was there a news story stating that the Metro Animal Care and Control was going to start putting animals down due to overpopulation of four legged flood victims. I wrote DART and they said they wanted to help but the county has to give them permission first. Those places could take some of the animals and foster them. They have programs for that.

    • I don’t know why they stated such, other than there simply is no room for all of the animals. My guess is that they were trying to receive help by letting the public know they were past capacity. Rescues are working day and night to help get animals to safety, but the normal load of animals without the flood is enormous in the area, let alone with the flood victims. If DART can help it’d be wonderful, but even with their programs and the many rescues in the Nashville area, it’s a long and difficult road. Rest assured that rescues are working day and night, however, to save as many as they can. Thank you for thinking of the animals and your effort to get the word out about them.

  3. Well I got a comment back from someone in MAC and they say that there is no need for DART or the ASPCA to help. They say there were not enough calls for people needing help with animals. Now they say that people can’t find the animals because so many rescues have misplaced animals. They want anyone with a rescued animal to contact the Nashville Humane to give them info so people can claim the animals. I reiderate…. IF WE HAD THE HELP OF DART WHO IS DISASTER TRAINED AND NOT JUST DOG CATCHERS WE WOULD BE MORE ORGANIZED IN ALL ASPECTS OF HELPING THE FLOODED ANIMALS! They are trained to FEMA specs and have ops in place for rescue, vetcare, and long term care or foster of these animals and they are located practically next door in WILSON CO.!

    • I don’t know enough about DART to know why they have to have requests for help vs. just becoming active, just that they are specific to animals during disasters.

      Please know that animal rescues work closely together in regard to the animals, including having public sites and lists among each other of animals needing to find their homes (ex: Facebook public sites), helping each other and working with shelters, and finding owners of the animals. They do not take the dogs and “misplace them,” but instead simply find someone to care for and house them during the process of finding their owners and whether or not they have one. They would love for the animals to be reunited with their families, helping anyone that contacted them about a lost pet.

      Rescuers, animal control officers and shelter workers can do great things with animals in disastrous situations with their experience and training – they’re not uneducated. A “dog catcher” has a set of skills that are important in these situations and are called upon. So, let’s be grateful vs. doubt the efforts of those who have worked together and spent countless hours assisting, organizing, protecting, caring for, and working to reunite animals with their owners. They have a great network of people, veterinarians, etc., that help the displaced animals and make sure they are taken care of properly.

      Perhaps, if you’re interested in helping animals and aren’t currently involved with the efforts, you could contact shelters or rescues looking for assistance and help get information out about the flood victims (animals) in need.

      Since I’m not in TN any longer and not active in the current events, I obviously cannot answer all of your questions or concerns. Your best bet would be to talk to those locally working on the flooding efforts with the animals, and I’m sure they’ll be happy to assist you.

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