I’m sitting here working diligently at my full time job, and harboring in the back of my mind a story that has really touched me today. The story is of a sweet baby, a kind lady, and good people.

I received a phone call one afternoon from an individual named Renee, who lived near my recent home in TN, explaining that her and her husband had taken in a Great Pyrenees puppy who’d been abandoned and was in poor shape. She stated she was in need of some guidance since she wasn’t familiar with the breed. Upon a return phone call she told me the story of “Sophie,” the Pyr puppy she had taken into her home. The weak side of me melted, wanted immediately to drive back to TN to get the puppy, and my heart broke for this sweet baby and her hardships. At the same time I thanked the good Lord that she was somewhere safe and in gentle hands. The logical side of me, however, explained to Renee that I’d just moved and wasn’t really in the position to take in any animals, as I was still up to my ears in boxes, still perfecting the yard, etc., but that I’d be happy to refer her to other Pyr rescues, while still doing what I could for her. She was very grateful, and I could hear the genuine selflessness and tremendous heart radiate through her words. I vowed to find assistance for her since she’d gone out of her way for this precious pup. So very few will take on such a duty, and when someone does they are considered a treasure in my book.

Fast forward to the present: Several conversations later both via email and telephone, all logic out the window, we decided to just go for the gusto, take Sophie into rescue (Thank you, Renee, for offering to foster her!), get her the medical treatment she needed, and help her find her a forever home. Well, on the ball and working for the greater good, Renee had already video taped Sophie and talked with a family who is now applying for Sophie. Everything seemed to be falling into place. However, there was a catch…before Miss Sophie can go anywhere, she must have surgery.

You see, Sophie…on top of being emaciated, abandoned, COVERED in enormous ticks, having a possible respiratory infection, an under bite (which I have to say is the CUTEST thing), and having a large abscess on her nose…has a cleft palate. The cleft palate requires surgery by a board certified surgeon so that it won’t interfere with her breathing and eating. So, again, being on top of things, Renee (after several vet visits already), worked with her veterinarian to get her into the surgeon. As of next Thursday, the 7th, Miss Sophie will be preparing herself for surgery and recovering in the loving home of her foster mother, Renee. At $1000-$2000 it will be costly, which is a bit daunting, and we need all of the support we can get, but this fourth month old puppy deserves the chance at a long healthy and happy life.

*Side note: Let me thank Dr Baker, who has been tending to Sophie, for her assistance, her big heart, and for her contributions. She could have easily turned Sophie and Renee away, but instead she opened the door for them and immediately began taking care of Sophie.

To boot, while showing another foster mother and friend Sophie’s photos, she stated that she knew Ms Renee and that she was an absolute fabulous lady! So after our chat, and all caught up in the “neatness” of everyone being acquainted, I sat back down to work and began thinking as I chipped away at the keyboard. I couldn’t help but sit there with a smile on my face, feeling almost elated, knowing that all of this was happening for a reason…that reason being Sophie.

Sadly, I’m afraid I must admit that as time passes you tend to become jaded while working in the world of “rescue.” So many heartaches come your way on a daily basis, your own heart breaks b/c you can’t do more, and you see such extreme cruelty and heartlessness, selfishness, barbaric actions even, and you tend to become frustrated with the majority of the world. Daily you hear “I don’t have time for it…” (should have thought about that before you made a commitment to a living being), or “It’s too big” (did the 25lbs at 6wks old not prepare you for this?), or “uh…it was a stray…it’s not mine” (uh-huh…), or “I’m moving and can’t take the 10lb cat with me” (because it takes up too much room??), or “It has to go NOW and you need to take it!” (and exactly why is that?), or even “I just don’t want it” or “I’ve had her for 10yrs, but if I can’t find a home for her I’ll have to take her to the pound” (what will you do with your kids when you tire of them?). One of my favorites is “It peed in the house,” as if it’s genetic make up and instincts are engineered to make it NOT to potty indoors and it’s a malfunction that it did. Responsibility is ignored, shunned, and those who claim responsibility are looked at as freaks because instead of being cowards, they follow through with their commitments. In rescue you see a side of the human race that is ugly and flat out mean, even in the “nicest” of people. It’s hard not to become angry, and prayer is a constant. Adoptive families who endure the adoption process and welcome these animals into their homes and their hearts are, in my opinion, nothing short of spectacular and will be blessed for the love that they pass along to these animals.

So, my point to all of this is that on days like today, I am reminded of the good in people, and that there truly is love all around. From Renee, to Dr Baker, to my foster parents who have given so much, to my veterinarians and their staff who have bent over backwards to support me (this includes you, Lisa), to the adopters and supporters who keep me chugging along with their encouragement, to the donators who give so much of themselves, and to the friends who listen to my animal stories and don’t call me crazy for living with so much fur…to my family for buying me dog food and hauling multiple dogs per car, 8 hours and 3 states away…to my brother who loaded up crate after crate, walked dog after dog, and let Hogan rest his head on his lap while driving the elephantine Penske truck…and to the animals that remind me on my grouchy days that they still love me, despite my moaning, groaning and bad attitude. It all boils down to good old fashioned kindness.

As for Sophie…see for yourself why it’s so easy to open up your heart. Disregarding surgery is not an option, as she will continue to bless someone with her kind heart, her joy, and abundance of love, living a long, full life. We do need support and assistance, so please share her story with your friends, and if you feel led to contribute toward her surgery, let me thank you in advance on behalf of Renee and her family, myself, and Sophie. We’ll be happy to take you on the journey with us through her developments, and we invite you to be a part of it. Even if you simply say a prayer for Miss Sophie, we will be more than grateful. I think after one look at the happy grin you’ll understand why we are so determined.

( http://youtube.com/watch?v=rIzUzrIML1Y )

We’re on our way, Sophie! 😀

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