Yes, I’ve been at it with the camera again, being shot many a dirty look by some annoyed animals after the repetitive flash of my digital canon. I have been running around like a loony toon working so much and getting prepared for an upcoming event (more to come shortly in another blog), and basically I’m exhausted and running out of daylight hours (well, night hours, too!). So, on a few pretty days, I’ve taken short breaks to clear my head, camera in hand. I love taking photos of the dogs while they are outside since 1) the photos are so much better technically, and 2) the dogs are caught in action having fun while they play or roam the yard, often resulting in some adorable shots. I even have a video of Toffee that shows off her irresistible charm, which I’ll post, as well. I might even have a few photos of the pups that aren’t one big blur…but don’t hold your breath. They are wiggly bums! Cute wiggly bums, however. 😀

The puppies had their first play day in the “big yard” last week since they were finally past all of their ailments (parasites in particular).  My Hogan LOVES the puppies….you can see him playing with them in a few photos and doing the back dance in one because he was so happy and having a great time!  You’ll see the dirt and slobber on the puppies heads due to the adult dogs slobbering all over them during their fun…so attractive. 😉 As mentioned, many of the puppy shots are blurred due to their consistent level of playful energy, but they are so cute I had to post them.

SO – enjoy the photos…there are LOTS of them (Be sure to click on the photo for a larger view…and then click on the photo agian for an yet another larger view)!!

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